
Total Accumulated Data of the IDA from 2000 to 2024


Total Accumulated Number of IDA Members (Agent and Manager Category Award ) – Worldwide and by Region from 2000 to 2024


The International Dragon Award (IDA), first presented in 2000, has focused on promoting the Chinese insurance industry for the past quarter century. It has garnered support and recognition from over 250 financial and insurance institutions across 17 countries and regions worldwide, with a cumulative membership exceeding 163,000. Looking ahead, the IDA aims to expand its reach globally, continuing to drive the prosperity and sustainable development of the international financial insurance industry.



Total Accumulated Number of IDA Members (Agent and Manager Category )from the Top 100 Financial Insurance Institutions Worldwide from 2000 to 2024


Statistical Data of the IDA for 2024


Number of IDA Members (Agent and Manager Category Award) – Worldwide and by Region in 2024


The International Dragon Award (IDA), after a quarter century of promotion and development, has gained significant recognition and acclaim within the industry. In 2024, the total number of IDA members reached 23,093. Among them, the number of Agent Category Award totaled 22,080; the number of Manager Category Award reached 1,013, accounting for 4% of the total membership. The number of applicants for the Manager Category Award has been increasing year by year, significantly expanding their influence on team operations and management.



Productivity Statistics of Agent Category Award – Worldwide and by Region in 2024


The IDA adopts FYC (First Year Commission) and 36 cases as the two main application criteria. Through the calculation and analysis of the average FYC, average number of cases, and average FYC per case of IDA members globally and by region, it is evident that the FYC and 36 cases standards are sufficient to demonstrate the productivity, professionalism, and sustainable development capabilities of an outstanding IDA member.



Productivity Statistics of Agent Category Award Members with Over 3 Years of Membership -Worldwide and by Region in 2024


A comparison between IDA members with over three years of membership and overall IDA members shows that the former have significantly increased their performance productivity compared to general peer IDA members. This indicates that members with over three years of IDA experience can bring stable performance growth. The accumulation of clients over three years lays the foundation for policy additions and referrals, simultaneously enhancing the capability of members with more than three years to challenge higher-level awards.



Productivity Statistics of Life Members – Worldwide and by Region in 2024


The IDA Life Members represent those who have won awards for 12 consecutive years or a total of 15 times. Compared to the overall IDA membership, Life Members exhibit even more significant growth in performance productivity due to their long-term pursuit of IDA awards. This pursuit of IDA recognition elevates their professionalism and sustainable operations to higher levels. The performance of Life Members is a crucial backbone and support force for their respective organizational teams and insurance companies.



Productivity Statistics of Agent Category Award Members -Worldwide and by Region in 2024


Members of the higher-level awards of the IDA are the elite core and leading cohorts of agent teams and financial insurance institutions, wielding a significant influence.



Number of IDA Members in Global Financial Insurance Institutions in 2024


Statistical Data of the IDA Hundred-Head Teams

2011~2024年全球25支国际龙奖IDA百人团队 -依首次申奖年份排序

Global Top 25 IDA Hundred-Head Teams from 2011 to 2024 -Sorted by Year of First Application


In 2011, the first IDA Hundred-Head Team was established, inspiring outstanding organizational teams in various countries and regions to set their sights on achieving the IDA Hundred-Head Team status. To date, 25 teams have been honored with the IDA Hundred-Head Team title.


2011~2024年全球25支国际龙奖IDA百人团队 – 依累计届数排序

Global Top 25 IDA Hundred-Head Teams from 2011 to 2024 -Ranked by the number of cumulative awarded year


The cumulative number of awarded years for the IDA Hundred-Head Team symbolizes long-term outstanding performance and the formation of a culture of honorable pursuit, contributing the highest momentum to organizational management and development.


2011~2024年全球25支国际龙奖IDA百人团队 – 依保险公司团队数及累计届数排序

Global Top 25 IDA Hundred-Head Teams from 2011 to 2024 -Sorted by Year of First Application -Ranked by Number of Teams and Cumulative Awarded Years per Insurance Company


When a financial insurance institution has a larger number of IDA Hundred-Head Team, the company as a whole is likely to exhibit outstanding performance in productivity, consensus building, and staff retention. Additionally, the IDA Hundred-Head Team serve as role models and benchmarks for growth and development for all organizational teams in financial insurance companies.



Productivity Statistics of Global IDA Hundred-Head Teams in 2024



Observing the average figures of global IDA Hundred-Head Team, the proportion of Manager Category Award members reaches 11%, which is a threefold significant increase compared to the overall IDA Manager Category Award ratio of 4%. This highlights the crucial role of Manager Category Award members as the core support within high-performing teams/ IDA Hundred-Head Team.

Additionally, the cumulative figures of total FYC and total cases for each IDA Hundred-Head Team clearly demonstrate the high productivity that a single IDA Hundred-Head Team can generate and drive within its respective financial insurance institution.
